blog, Business, Lifestyle Caitlin Shogren blog, Business, Lifestyle Caitlin Shogren

Black History Month: Why it's important and how to support Black entrepreneurs

February marks a time to acknowledge and praise Black History in the United States.

There are many things I think that you can do to increase your awareness and support your local or regional Black-owned businesses. The most important is to purchase their products and services.

Here are a few things that can help you support Black and African American-owned businesses.

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blog, Business Caitlin Shogren blog, Business Caitlin Shogren

UPDATE: How I'm accomplishing my small business goals for the new year

2020 has been troublesome for many, and we didn’t even start most of our goals. It seemed like a game of hot potato as we juggled responsibilities with our dreams.

At the end of last year, I set a few goals I wanted to tackle regarding my small business. I was able to address them all this year (amazingly), but I am not finished with any of them by any means. So, here’s what I’ve done to make sure I’m successful with my small business goals and how you can be too!

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blog, Business Caitlin Shogren blog, Business Caitlin Shogren

5 Areas to focus on when your small business is slow during the coronavirus pandemic

You’ve probably told yourself you’ll focus on your business a few times so far. Some of you may have done exactly that. With small businesses floundering in local areas, it might look disheartening to be putting much effort into your small business start-up, regardless of when you started.

Here are a few things that you can improve on in your business start-up and still make an impact on the future of your small business.

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Business, blog, Graphic Design Caitlin Shogren Business, blog, Graphic Design Caitlin Shogren

How I've reached 500+ monthly visitors to my blog and how to increase your blog traffic

If you’ve started a money-making blog, you might be frustrated when you start trying to increase your blog’s traffic.

Recently, I hit a big milestone for my money-making blog: I reached over 500 monthly visitors.

Since I know it can be difficult for a new blogger to acquire traffic, I’m offering 5 tips on how I was able to increase my blog traffic from 0 to 500 visitors a month.

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