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5 Business casual outfit trends for women at work for the fall

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We’re are almost out of summer dresses and into sweater weather, ladies!

I’m all about adding a cozy oversized sweater to my business casual wardrobe. You will see a few draped over my arm to beat the chilly office, even when it’s 95 degrees outside.

Fall is when I hit my stride as I find business casual outfits. I can easily combine a bit of comfort while remaining professional and still hold off the chill that takes hold in fall. 

As a graphic designer, I’ve learned many different environments can come up. There are those days at work where you’ll need to be wearing a business professional dress code in a black dress, heels, and a fitted blazer. Most of the time, though, I can get by in a business casual outfit.

Thankfully, this means I can have a bit of comfort during the fall. We finally get to incorporate a bit of function into our business casual outfits during the fall. Meaning: we can stay warm in our ‘normally’ cold office space.

Not only does this apply to oversized sweaters and cardigans, though. We can wear socks with a pair of booties or boots or incorporate longer dresses and full-length slacks into our weekly cycle of business casual outfits.

So when you start shopping for your fall wardrobe, remember you can be functional and professional with these five business casual outfit trends for work during the fall.

Business Casual Outfit Trend #1: High-Waist Slacks/Skirts

The ’90s did not bring back hip-waisted trousers for women’s business casual outfits. It’s all about high-waists so women can tuck in their button-down blouse or form-fitting shirt. 

These high-waist bottoms don’t have to be form-fitting. If you’d like to try a wide pant leg, don’t be afraid to try it. Pair a form-fitted shirt on top with an oversized cardigan, and you’ll be comfy and sophisticated at work.

I’d recommend any high-waisted skirts to be more form-fitted. A closer fit, but not necessarily skin-tight, will give more of a professional vibe as a business casual outfit at work. 

Business Casual Outfit Trend #2: Long Blazers

Blazers are an excellent accessory for women’s business casual outfits. They instantly add a flare of professionalism to most companies at work and offer a bit of warmth over the fall.

When adding a blazer this fall to your business casual outfit, try to let it hit below the hip. A longer blazer might mean the blazer is slightly oversized but don’t make it slouchy-looking or too loose-fitting. A regular-sized and length of blazer will do just fine as well.

Color is essential when picking out a blazer with a business casual outfit. Black is not always the best option, so try finding a heather grey at the darkest shade and tan or cream for the lightest. I’d avoid anything too ‘loud,’ busy, or overwhelming to keep a professional demeanor at work. 

Business Casual Outfit Trend #3: Flowy Blouse

A flowy blouse tucked into your high-waisted trousers will look great at work in the fall. This blouse doesn’t need to be oversized. Having a bit of billowing in the sleeves is more than enough flow for this business casual outfit.

Keep things loose. Whether you keep the blouse out or tucked, you should keep things comfortable and allow yourself to move around while running around the office.

Don’t be afraid of a print pattern, either! Paired with a black or neutral pair of slacks will give you a bit of personality at work while still being professional. I’d stick with a tame color scheme but try out those polka dots or animal print!

Business Casual Outfit Trend #4: Oversized Sweater/Cardigan

My favorite fall trend for women’s business casual outfits! Not only are oversized sweaters or cardigans super comfy and warm, but they are great additions to many different types of outfits for women in the workplace.

I add my oversized cardigans to more form-fitted dresses. A form-fitted dress doesn’t have to be skin-tight. Still, it should hug a bit to give some shape compared to something oversized. You risk being more frumpy or slouchy rather than professional otherwise.

I stay relatively neutral in color for my sweaters and cardigans. This way, I can add them without clashing against any prints or bolder colors as a business casual outfit at work.

Business Casual Outfit Trend #5: Sienna Colors

There’s been an uptick in one color as fall approaches: sienna. I am loving this color in my current wardrobe and hope it stays for a while. Time will tell, but fingers-crossed.

Sienna is an excellent pop of color in a business casual outfit because it’s not overwhelming or overpowering at work but still impactful. Especially as fall comes through and we approach winter, sienna will contrast well against the darker and greyscale color schemes that come up.

If sienna isn’t doing anything for you, try to find another shade of tan for your business casual wardrobe. Tan, khaki, cream, and off-white are still solid contenders and can be incorporated more in an outfit than sienna.

As a career-driven professional or entrepreneur, it’s important to read the room right at first glance. Dressing in a business casual outfit will help you look smart and polished without being too stuffy for most encounters within the creative industry.

These business casual outfit trends will help you stay fashionable and professional through the fall and into the winter season.