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5 quick morning workouts for a healthy entrepreneur mindset

One of my favorite memories growing up with my dad is going to the gym and learning how to use the machines that he used. Thankfully, with not as much weight, seeing as how my sister and I were maybe 13 and about a third of my dad’s size at the time.

While it was a hard concept for my family to be successful at, we always held healthy habits as a goal throughout the week. Sometimes, that meant making a choice between Subway and McDonalds between after-school events and other times that meant taking a walk after dinner instead of sitting in front of the TV.

Each person is able to find ways to create a quick morning workout to emulate successful entrepreneurs.

Most entrepreneurs and successful business owners create morning routines, not limited to quick workouts, but also including meditation, writing, and creating plans for their day. Usually around 5 a.m. Even if you can’t get up that early yet, creating a healthy morning routine to keep you energized and focused will pay off in the long run.

Here are a few quick morning workouts to supplement your daily morning routine:


Yoga might not be a cardio-buster, but this morning exercise will help you stretch, maintain your successful mindset, and give you the chance to meditate, all which play an important part in our habits for success.

I’d suggest adding Yoga to your morning routine in any form you can. Whether it’s a warmup, the main exercise, or a cool-down, yoga well help you stretch and repair the muscles that you use.

As for your mindset, yoga is great to help you focus on your goals throughout your day. Not only is yoga great for a quick morning workout to focus on your goals, it’s also a great end to your workday as well. While completing a quick and easy yoga routine at the end of your workday, you’ll be able to contemplate and leave any accomplishments or shortcomings in your professional life in your work and focus on your home life.

Most yoga routines are about 30 minutes long. While most entrepreneurs workout for about an hour in the morning, yoga is a great supplement to any morning workout. Even if it’s a shortened 15 minute quick workout routine, it’s helpful for stretching out after a morning workout.

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Biking is a great form of cardio and tends to make an easy quick morning workout possible (when your legs aren’t feeling like jelly.)

While you might have to do more to make your distance goals, riding your bike or joining a cycling class will help get your heart pumping quickly. You’ll be amazed by how far you can go in 30 minutes on a bike.

For those of you with families, biking is also a great family activity. This doesn’t matter if you do this as a quick morning workout with the kiddos or as an after-school outing to burn off the excess energy before dinner.

Since you’re able to travel farther with a bike, try to push yourself with a few inclines, sprints, and intervals throughout your workout. Biking might be great for covering distance but you want to focus on something challenging throughout your morning workout and this is where that challenge will come in.

Jogging or Running

A lot of successful entrepreneurs jog or run during their daily morning routines. Many can run up to an hour or more in their morning workout but maybe start at 30 minutes unless you are a seasoned runner.

A great challenge when jogging or running would be to abide by a training plan, either for a 5K, 10K, half- or full-marathon. Tracking your progress and having a set out plan, will help you stay focused on your business rather than planning your morning workout all the time.

Like biking, running is a great way to get cardio into your daily routine. It will help keep your blood pumping and improve your cardiovascular health before anything else, but it will also be a great strength and resistance workout, when paired with the right challenges.

If you’re a beginning runner, you might consider interval training to build up your stamina. This usually works by running and walking at different paces throughout your workout, allowing you the chance to rest but still push and challenge your mindset. This especially true if you don’t think you’re capable of running.

HIT workouts

HIIT workouts are fairly new. They are great for a quick morning workout.

HIIT is short for high-intensity interval training. It’s built on the process of highly intense bursts, usually cardio, with rests in-between. HIIT workouts are great for quick morning workouts because they are usually short themselves, each maybe lasting between 30-40 minutes.

These are great for entrepreneurs because, while it allows you to have 30 minutes of exercise, it gives you the chance to structure your morning routine around other things as well.

HIIT workouts are also great for entrepreneurs because they usually don’t have to devise a workout routine themselves. Most HIIT workouts are structured, formulated, and tried by others before being taught to you.

Most HIIT workouts are also part of a class or personal training exercise. While you can find some solitary routines on Pinterest or through a quick Google Search, most HIIT workouts have been designed and tried by a group fitness class beforehand. At least then you know it works, not just by one person or trainer, but by many people.

Strength Training

My favorite workout routine, strength training.

You might be thinking strength training routines require a lot or even some weights, but many strength training workout routines can be done with your body weight. I would only include the weights if they are light or if you are more seasoned with working out.

You might have a few more possibilities with a gym membership or a trainer for strength training exercises. This is also helpful in case you are doing a new skill or a new move, so you refrain from straining your muscles or hurting yourself.

If you’re new to strength training or want to pair it with some cardio, tabata workouts are a great combination of the two. Tabata is a HIIT workout, but lets you rest between various strength and cardio activities. It’s meant to be quick but also intense, with 30 second exercises within a 4 minute span.

If you want to keep the workout routines separate, consider hiring a trainer for the strength training, and doing the cardio on your own after working with the trainer.

Keeping a healthy body is essential to keeping a successful mindset. Implementing a quick morning workout during your daily morning routine is a great addition in reaching your goals for success.

A quick morning workout doesn’t have to be Mark Wahlberg’s two hour regimen, but a high-intensity workout will help you build a healthier body to help with building a successful lifestyle.

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