7 Habits that successful business owners and entrepreneurs have in common

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I think of a few habits I want to improve over the year every December. Some are personal, while others are related to my small business. 

All of them have to do with improving my quality of life and growing my small business.


I first got the idea to look into successful habits when it became apparent that I needed an extra push. I was stuck in my life and needed a way to expand my roots a bit. So, I looked at what successful entrepreneurs and business owners shared in common.

After a few years of study, many people have noticed a few successful habits that connect business owners and entrepreneurs to growing a business and their wealth. There are many habits that they’ve seen, especially if they are millionaires and above. 

I could make the goal of becoming a millionaire, but for my lifestyle, other things are more important. 

I consistently try to see where my choices affect my well-being and try to improve or remain consistent with them until they are a sense of habit. It’s not always easy, but I can tell you it is worth the work you put into them.

Here are a few of my favorite successful habits that small business owners and entrepreneurs have in common.

Reading daily

Daily reading is one of my favorite habits on this list. Starting the routine to read daily is a great way to start or end your day as an entrepreneur or small business owner. 

You could start by reading about 30 minutes before going to bed or right when you get up. Most people suggest reading non-fiction, but if you need something more entertaining to start, grab your favorite fiction novel. At the same time, you can browse non-fiction titles that interest you.

Even picking up a new magazine or a favorite novel that interests you is easier to start this habit than not.  

Exercise regularly

This past year, I’ve been trying to add exercise into my routine. I consistently make a point to plan when I’m going to work out during the week first, sometimes a few weeks in advance. 

Many of the most successful entrepreneurs are avid gym enthusiasts. It doesn’t matter what they do; whether it’s weights, yoga, or running, they all tend to spend at least an hour doing some physical exercise.

You can try something new or go to an old favorite but set aside an hour of your time and get sweaty.

Become an early riser

I am not an early riser. I tend to be a night owl despite learning how to be an early riser early on. 

Most successful business owners make a point of rising out of their bed around 4-5 a.m. To me, that’s too early. I can make a point of getting up around 7 a.m., but even then, I feel exhausted at the end of the day. 

Many business owners and entrepreneurs tend to combine early rising with their physical exercise and maybe a bit of meditation. See what works for you, and get up with the birds!

Less digital time

By digital time, I mean both social media and the internet as a whole. Most successful business owners make a point to put down their phones and click the off switch for many of their devices more than their counterparts.

I’m awful when this comes to social media. I can give up time in front of the TV, but my phone and the computer tend to be my weakness.

If you’re having trouble, try decreasing your time in front of the most crippling media. Leave your phone on another table or at home while at work. Only turn on your computer during a predetermined time. 

Goal setting

I like to divide this into two categories. One category is for my small business, and another is for my lifestyle. They can overlap and interfere with each other, but they are separate most of the time. 

Usually, I like to create a list of around 5-7 goals I want to accomplish each year. I might start with one and go all in, or I might start with a few and tackle them a piece at a time. I would suggest doing one at a time if you don’t routinely set goals for your small business and focus your time accordingly.

Try ranking your goals and see which are a higher priority for you. Organizing your goals will help you prioritize and know where you want to grow the most over the year.

Planning ahead

All I can say about this habit is: get a calendar. Do not only use the one on your phone or computer but instigate a paper, write-it-down calendar and keep it at your desk or tacked to your wall.

Planning takes premeditation and thought. You have to keep everything organized and intentional when you keep a calendar. Writing down your schedule will also keep your appointments in one place, rather than you having to remember and possibly forgetting things.

Also, planning will help you reach your goals. With every plan you set for yourself, you’ll want to create a schedule to follow to achieve your goals.

Be an avid learner

Learning can be seen through various forms when your a small business owner or entrepreneur. You can join a class or course, read a book, or find a mentor to draw inspiration and guidance.


My favorite way to learn a new skill is to read about it. This way, I can combine both of these successful habits and kill one bird with two stones, as it were. For others, it might be taking a course or finding a mentor because they enjoy the interaction. Still, for whatever reason, it’s essential to maintain a sense of wonder about your business.

However you find it most comfortable to learn, find your favorite way to grow your knowledge. You might not be the smartest in the room, but why should you?

There are many successful habits that business owners and entrepreneurs have that can help you grow your business. These here are a list of my favorite habits to include in my life and how I know I can grow as a person.

Whichever goals you might use for your life, I hope that these successful habits will help your small business.

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