caitlin e shogren

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Looking to the past to determine the future

One of the detrimental factors in Masculinity politics that was pointed out in lecture was conservative men in positions of authority. I could help but go towards two aspects of that statement. One being the Catholic church, the other being the hierarchy of the British Monarchy. As obvious as the Catholic Church is for this topic, I find it a useful tool to help me understand the disadvantages that are in the Catholic faith. I feel as if to be Catholic, having certain views for women make them reproduced as second class. I usually see this most often when documentaries are discussing the Kennedy family. Many times I see that the women in their lives were very looked over in how they went about their daily lives. With being socialites, house wives, and just very submittal to the actions in the public display of their lives. Now while I am basing a religion on the presentation of a family, I also tend to see various organizations lead by men also voicing an opinion about abortion and going on the pill that had little to do with women. It's not to say that they didn't get a say at all but it seemed very limited from what I have seen.

I also have been thinking about the British Monarchy especially considering the birth of Prince George. Only recently did the Queen repeal a law that constituted the line of rule in the family. If a son were to be born after the birth of a daughter, the son would have become king before the daughter despite their age. I am very happy about the repeal of this law as it goes more into the succession based on age rather than gender. I also think this makes it more a gender neutral process. As the Queen has ruled quite well for 60 years along with her female counterparts such as Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth I, she shows that the gender of a monarch does not determine the productiveness of their rule.

Prince William and Kate, Duchess of Cambridge, hold the Prince of Cambridge on July 23, 2013, as they pose for photographers outside St. Mary's Hospital's Lindo Wing in London.