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3 Free Pinterest resources that increased my blog traffic in 30 days

Over the weekend, I gained my 100th follower on Pinterest after learning how to make Pinterest pins, creating a Pinterest strategy, and learning more about how to start my blog and increase my blog’s traffic. I owe a lot of the inspiration and Pinterest tips to 3 Free Pinterest Resources that I want to share so others can increase their blog traffic on their business Pinterest account.

I know that’s not many in the scheme of things. There are a lot of accounts with over thousands, if not tens-of-thousands, of followers.

The reason I’m so excited is because I’ve only learned how to start a blog a little over a month ago.

I love bringing my followers a consistent and plethora of business-minded and professional habits to help them reach their goals. I’m so glad others think my content and help is worth appreciating.

So to share the love, I’m going to share with you what I’ve done to increase my blog traffic.

Related Content: July Recap: My first month as a business blog

Moms Make Cents Free Pinterest Course

McKenzie’s Moms Make Cents Free Pinterest Webinar was the first course I looked through when I started to make pins and a Pinterest strategy. I was completely new on how to make pins and needed all the advice I could get.

I found McKenzie’s Moms Make Cents Free Pinterest Webinar through Pinterest actually. I was trying to find a Pinterest strategy for my content and found Moms Make Cents. The rest is history!

Her free Pinterest email course features 5 short Pinterest webinars, about 10 minutes for each.

You can be brand new and learning how to start your blog or to learning about Pinterest strategies and still be able to fit these short Pinterest webinars into your daily routine. I listened during my lunch break and during my free time at work. Since they are only 5 to 10 minutes long, they are very digestible for any type of audience member and very easy to follow.

McKenzie’s Free Pinterest Webinar also devises a topic for each one of her already short Pinterest strategy webinars. They don’t jump all over the place and you can stay focused on one thing throughout the video.

The topics also start with you to make your Business Pinterest account. Her Free Pinterest Webinar begins with setting up your boards and name, and going through Pinterest strategies that may help you learn how to increase blog traffic from your Business Pinterest account.

It’s important that I mention we are using a Business Pinterest account because through the webinar series, this is how you will be able to track engagement with each of your followers. Even with a small amount of followers, you can still have a very loyal base for your blog or business.

Since I’ve finished McKenzie’s Moms Make Cents Free Pinterest Webinar, I’ve been sure to make a few pins per blog post and experiment with each of my styles. Since my branding colorization revolves around cooler colors than the preferred warm colors that Pinterest users gravitate towards (one of many of McKenzie’s tips), I try to select or find photos with warmer colors to appeal to my audience.

Melyssa Griffins Free Pinterest Masterclass

This is a more recent class that I tried but also had great advice.

Melyssa Griffins’ Free Pinterest Masterclass was shown to me through one of her other pins. She has a few courses that are also teaches you how to start a blog and how to use Pinterest for start-up business owners, but was offering her free 1-hour masterclass over the weekend when I had more time to commit to learning how to make Pinterest pins and develop and Pinterest strategy.

Melyssa structures her free Pinterest Masterclass in 5 sections.

First she covers the myths surrounding Pinterest’s audience. If you haven’t discovered, Pinterest is more than moms finding ways to entertain the kiddos over the break or brides dreaming of their perfect wedding by this point. Her in-depth guide shows how most of these myths are busted.

Next she focuses on 3 sections for her Pinterest strategy during her Free Pinterest Masterclass. With these Pinterest strategies, she’s able to talk in more of an overview with plenty of examples. Melyssa looks into overarching topics that could be related to your Business Pinterest account, such as titles, going from your account, your boards and your pins.

I really appreciate her Free Pinterest Masterclass’s emphasis on keywords and SEO. Pinterest is more of a Search Engine Optimization tool than a social media platform. These tools will help you gain more relevance for your pins’ engaged audience.

Melyssa is also a great instigator with moving from your Business Pinterest account to other platforms and connecting with her audience. She shows the importance of and how to grow an email list and how to increase blog traffic with loyal followers in her Free Pinterest Masterclass. She uses her focus on building a Business Pinterest account to build other marketing tools to build your community for your business and brand.

Her last section in her Free Pinterest Masterclass focuses on merging your business Pinterest account’s following into Opt-In offers and building your followers to increase your blog traffic elsewhere.

Facebook Groups

I’m part of a few Facebook groups devoted to blogging, virtual assistants and blog or social media growth.

Each group brings its own help to growing my following. Some help me by offering feedback on my pins or content that I produced. Others were follow trains. Some work on my website as a whole.

Here are some of my Facebook Groups that I’m a part of:

Those are probably my top 3 content and Pinterest sharing Facebook Groups. Each routinely have posts to gain feedback on your blog posts or Business Pinterest accounts.

I love this way of how to grow your Pinterest following because, not only are you promoting you blog or brand for your business, but it also allows you to find more Business Pinterest accounts or similar blogs to look for similar and relevant content.

I’ve found a few great Business Pinterest accounts to follow that align with my own business and brand’s ideals. I would look hard for these similar accounts and to not just follow for the sake of following. I would also look for similar Business Pinterest accounts that align with your own principles.

Being picky with your own follows on your Business Pinterest account helps narrow down what pins are shown to you and what has a potential to resonate with your audience. It’s not the end of the world if you followed a bad account when doing this, but you might make an effort to cleanse your following every few months. You want to create a clear, consistent brand for your followers, and cleansing your Business Pinterest account will help you narrow down your audience.

There are a lot free Pinterest resources that are worth the time to learn, along with a lot of paid courses and services. Most beginning bloggers are trying to gain momentum to make their blog or business a success. You won’t find a quick fix with any of these free Pinterest resources but they will set you in the right direction.

If you are new to using a Business Pinterest account, I would start with these free resources before getting paid courses. The paid courses are bound to go more into depth with your Business Pinterest account, but learning a few things on your own to start on, should show you what you will want to focus on in a paid course.

I’m super excited to have reached 100 Pinterest followers in 30 days and hope the rest of my audience will gain even more through these 3 free Pinterest resources!