blog, Business Caitlin Shogren blog, Business Caitlin Shogren

UPDATE: How I'm accomplishing my small business goals for the new year

2020 has been troublesome for many, and we didn’t even start most of our goals. It seemed like a game of hot potato as we juggled responsibilities with our dreams.

At the end of last year, I set a few goals I wanted to tackle regarding my small business. I was able to address them all this year (amazingly), but I am not finished with any of them by any means. So, here’s what I’ve done to make sure I’m successful with my small business goals and how you can be too!

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blog, Entrepreneurship Caitlin Shogren blog, Entrepreneurship Caitlin Shogren

3-month check-in: Successful Lifestyle Blog Tips and Ideas

So, I’ve been writing blog posts and promoting my successful lifestyle blog for about 3-months now and I thought I’d share some lifestyle blogging tips and some of the best promotional ideas I’ve come across.

While the past few months of lifestyle blogging have blown by, I still have many blogging tips to take advantage of and use for my blog.

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blog, Business Caitlin Shogren blog, Business Caitlin Shogren

3 Free Pinterest resources that increased my blog traffic in 30 days

Over the weekend, I gained my 100th follower on Pinterest after learning how to make Pinterest pins, creating a Pinterest strategy, and learning more about how to start my blog and increase my blog’s traffic. I owe a lot of the inspiration and Pinterest tips to 3 Free Pinterest Resources that I want to share so others can increase their blog traffic on their business Pinterest account.

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