9 of the Best books for women in business as creative entrepreneurs to get motivated

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It's not always possible to stay positive and motivated as a successful entrepreneur and small business owner. So it's essential to know how to invigorate your entrepreneurial spirit. 

As a creative female entrepreneur, I tend to look at other creative females to spark my motivation. 

It's important to learn from others. If you're having trouble finding inspiring and motivational women, you don't have to look very far. Whether you listen to an interview or read it first hand, creative female influencers are ready to offer you wisdom and lift you and your small business.

I like to dive into books when I need a bit of motivation. They might be self-help, memoirs, or industry-specific genres, but books tend to get me inspired and ready to tackle my next obstacle.

You might find it challenging to find the motivation to reach your dreams, but these books, written by women and for female entrepreneurs, are here to help you see new ways to approach and achieve those dreams that you've been putting off for too long.

Here are some of what I consider to be my favorite and the best books for women in business.

Girl, Stop Apologizing

As the second installment of Rachel Hollis self-help books, Girl Stop Apologizing is a great way to show that there is more than one way to get motivated and follow your dreams. There are multiple ways to accomplish your goal, but there are many ways to adapt and find support for your ideas.

I loved working through Girl, Stop Apologizing because of the numerous case studies Hollis takes you through. All from her own life, she shows how many ways she adapted and stayed the course for her dreams. 

When I mention adapting, I don't necessarily mean compromising or having a consolation prize. Hollis' adaptations allowed her to stay true to her 'true' dream while making reality fit her vision.

You are a Badass

Jen Sincero is one of my favorite self-help authors, and her first installment in the You are a Badass series doesn't disappoint. Based on her own life, Sincero shows you, through case studies, that there are multiple ways to show you are passionate and empowered in your own life. 

As a coach and a writer, I love how Sincero shows you that you can still achieve greatness, even when you don't feel so great.

Everyone has traits and dreams that empower them; You are a Badass shows you that you can find multiple ways to achieve them and how not to feel sorry or guilty for wanting something for yourself.

Joy at Work

As a creative entrepreneur, there can be a lot of chaos in my life and my workspace. Joy at Work takes you through your workspace, with no judgment, and helps you create a more productive and sufficient space for your small business.

Like in the life-changing magic of tidying up, Marie Kondo helps you create a workplace environment that enables you to achieve your goals and aspirations by keeping a clean and tidy space while you get to work.

Try a few of the workplace design tips that Kondo suggests in Joy at Work to see what can help you achieve your small business goals.

Graphic Design Thinking: Beyond Brainstorming

As a graphic designer, I love finding new books that appeal to helping me within my industry. Graphic Design Thinking: Beyond Brainstorming showed me how to move past my ideas and move on to doing something about my small business.

Ellen Lupton is a great author when confronted with graphic design tips and ideas, but I love how Beyond Brainstorming takes you through the process of design in multiple ways.

No matter what you are looking for, Graphic Design Thinking: Beyond Brainstorming will help you create new ideas to give you a successful product.

Lean In

I've had Lean In recommended to me as a creative female entrepreneur so many times, and it's a surprise I haven't taken anyone up on that offer. As the past Facebook Chief Operations Officer, Sheryl Sandberg delves into Lean In to support female entrepreneurs making an impact in their fields.

You'll read about many of her own stories about leading as a woman but also have the research and facts to back up the crucial qualities female entrepreneurs and small business owners need to succeed.

Try Lean in (or Lean in for Graduates for the entry-level professionals!) to help you make a successful climb on the corporate ladder.

I Am That Girl

Do you even know what you'd want to focus on as a female entrepreneur? Please don't be scared, that's the perfect reason to pick up I Am That Girl. Rather than show you how to achieve your dreams, Alexis Jones wants to pinpoint where you should focus your talents, both based on skill and inspiration.

It can be challenging to find what truly excites and motivates you to achieve your dreams, but Jones is there to help you navigate how you want to make them.

Even if you don't feel like it yet, you can become the successful entrepreneur you've always dreamed of.


If you're needing an edgier example of becoming a female entrepreneur, try reading Sophia Amoruso's #GIRLBOSS. I read the book before watching the Netflix series and was happy that I did. Amoruso focuses more on seeing an opportunity that can present itself rather than how to achieve your dreams.

This book is primarily for the female entrepreneur who doesn't consider themselves the typical small business owner. Entrepreneurs are created from many different clothes, and Amoruso is no different.

With a different kind of motivation, #GIRLBOSS shows you that even the least qualified person on paper can make their dreams a reality.

Yes, Please

Amy Poehler has always been one of my favorite female entrepreneurs (and I deem her unstoppable when combined with SNL co-star, Tina Fey). Yes, Please is a riot to read and is great for those looking to set boundaries and create lasting relationships with your coworkers. 

I loved making notes about this autobiography as a female entrepreneur, because, even though I didn't want to work in show-business, I still found many aspects of Poehler's life helpful in navigating the professional world as a female entrepreneur.

Yes, Please reminds us that it's not always about the dream, but the journey there.

Why Not Me?

As a minority and a female entrepreneur, Mindy Kaling makes the case that neither were good enough reasons to keep her from achieving her dreams. Kaling continues to push her limits and expand her portfolio. Even when she might doubt herself, she knows she can bounce back and make another type of impact.

In her second memoir, Why Not Me? shows just how hard work can pay off as a female entrepreneur. It's not the only thing you need to succeed, but as you can see, when you read Kaling's book, it doesn't hurt.

Putting in some effort, skill, and dedication, like Kaling shows in Why Not Me?, will pay off for similar hard-working female entrepreneurs.

I consider the books to be some of the best for women in business. Each has its creative way to motivate female entrepreneurs to achieve their dreams with their small business.

Whether you read or listen to any of these books, learning from these female entrepreneurs will help lift your small business and entrepreneurial spirit.

Do you need more reading recommendations? Join my e-newsletter for more recommended reads that will help motivate and inspire you while you build your empire.


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