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Organization Ideas for the home from Marie Kondo's Netflix show

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So I’ve binge-watched Tidying Up with Marie Kondo on Netflix a few times. Count it: five times.

Since many of my friends and family could probably benefit from a few organization ideas for their home, whether it’s been a personal goal for the new year or they just need a fresh start, these are a few of my thoughts on Marie Kondo’s The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up book, Netflix show, organization ideas, and audience members.

The Book: The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up

I’ll be honest, I haven’t read The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up . I have the book but haven’t cracked open to the title page as of yet. That being said, I’ll hopefully read it to get the complete experience and be able to implement some of Kondo’s methods when I move into my own place.

However, I do see The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up as an easy read. It’s compact and hardback so it’d make great mobile, bathroom or leisurely reading. I wouldn’t read The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up or watch the show while doing your own de-cluttering though. I think the best way is to have a sort of plan of attack for tackling your mess. It’ll give you the chance to formulate the steps and give your undivided attention to each category Kondo outlines in process.


Since publishing this post, I have read and kept The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. Similar to my reaction to the Netflix show, I found The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up very helpful. Not only did I get to go through the process of tidying up my space, I learned even more organization tips and ideas to make my new space clear and what I envisioned my space looking like.

The Series

It might only have 8 episodes that are about 30 minutes each but, when binge watching this Netflix show all together (or at least a few at a time), Marie Kondo’s organizational ideas create a sense of calm and accomplishment. All from the comfort of eating messy takeout in your cluttered house.

With Marie Kondo’s Netflix series being so short, I can only guess at how or if Netflix will continue to produce more episodes.

Marie Kondo went over many of her organization ideas and methods throughout the series which leaves me to wonder how many others she can incorporate through more episodes. That’s not to say it couldn’t be something similar to a TLC or HGTV show, like Say Yes to the Dress or Fixer Upper, but, with the way Tidying Up with Marie Kondo is currently formatted, the Netflix show doesn’t leave much room to continue without contributing those new ways of storing or folding. Unless she keeps with the mini-series format, she might not be able to produce much more content without restructuring the shows dynamic.

Viewers concerned about organization ideas and clutter

The rest of my family refuses to watch the show. My sister has a problem with seeing clutter, even though they are fixing the clutter. Maybe I can convince her to try reading The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. My mom just won’t watch it. I haven’t polled the rest of the family but my brother would probably not be interested and I really have no opinion on if my other sister would want to watch it. I was able to get my boyfriend to watch an episode or two but he has such sparse belongings here in Oklahoma that he doesn’t really need or can connect to the premise of the show.

That being said, I’ve heard people rave about binge watching this Netflix show. I think many people associate with the cast concerning the amount of clutter in their home. I see her organization ideas for their home as minimalism decorating but there is something refreshing about how to make a habit about organization in the home by only tidying up the essentials, similar to The Downsizers.

Organization Methods

I’m more likely to go through my clothes at the moment than anything else. There are a few things I don’t wear or don’t enjoy wearing within the last few years. Other than that, while I’m still at home, I haven’t been able to look through my collection of things but I think that once I move it’ll be a great starting point to not feel as cluttered and messy.

I tend to stay pretty organized, but I also tend to like to be frivolous. I have a collection of mugs from trips and an assortment of books that litter my room and bookshelf. Besides those, I feel like I most benefited from From Students to Improvements, where the main concern was just consolidating and weeding things out to move a space into adulthood rather then college adolescence.

Overall, I gained a sense of calm from Marie Kondo’s The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up Netflix series and organization ideas and methods. It was the organization idea I didn’t know I needed.

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