caitlin e shogren

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Last day at DCEO

Well, today is the day. I'm glad I got to go on my own little adventure this summer and man has it been one. I started out know no one here or my way around and I'm so glad I've had the help that I have around Dallas. 

My internship was chaotic at times and slow during others but there was never a moment where I didn't think I was learning something. My managers and fellow interns have been so helpful about teaching me different aspects of the magazine business and how to become a better journalist. Whether it was just asking for directions or standards, someone always was there to help. Even if that meant calling my dad because my car had a problem while on assignment. Trust me, it happened a time or two. 

I couldn't have learned as much without the help of my co-intern, Tory, or my managers, Kate, Hilary, Matt, Christine or Glenn. They are all truly amazing and willing to help anyone who is brave enough to ask. They want you to succeed and want you to grow in whichever direction you choose to go in. 

I can't wait to start next semester but I will miss this summer experience quite a lot. All of my fellow interns did an amazing job this session and I'm so glad to have met each and every one of you!