Small business goal ideas for my business start-up during 2021

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There have been many changes taking place throughout the past year in 2020. 

We’ve started new small businesses. We’ve recreated business start-ups. We’ve had to close many small businesses.

Small businesses have been hit and rolled with the punches throughout the past year. It hasn’t always been triumphant or victorious, but they’ve continued. 

I started 2020 with a few different small business goals that I wanted to achieve, with various levels of success. So, I decided to follow tradition and make another list of small business goal ideas that I wanted to accomplish throughout the new year in 2021.

Some of my small business goals are definitive, while others are vaguer and can be open to how you define success. While I hope that my small business goals will help me increase my profit with my business, some of my small business goals reflect how I want to be successful in my business and how I want to expand my business’ outreach.

I’ve narrowed my small business goal ideas to a list of 5 to keep everything from being overwhelming throughout the year.

Small Business Goal Idea #1: Instagram Stories

I want to increase my Instagram Stories: both my posts and my viewership. While I’ve been trying to post more consistently, I’ve been a bit negligent on my Instagram Stories throughout the past year in 2020.

My first goal in regards to increasing my Instagram posts is to become more consistent. I’d love to start with three posts per week and go from there. Maybe by the end of 2021, I hope to increase my Instagram Stories 5 days a week.

My small business goal during 2021 with Instagram Stories is to increase my visibility and be more transparent about my life in my business. Most of my Instagram Stories are currently a mix of business aspects, national holidays in the United States, and a few personal topics. I’d love to put more of my small business goals and attributes in my Instagram Stories with a unique spin on them.

Small Business Goal Idea #2: Grow my Email List

My email list has been growing steadily over the past year in 2020. Not grown exponentially but developed nonetheless. 

I’ve tried to learn more about growing my email list in 2020, but it’s been a slow process. I’ve gained about 20 email subscribers over the past year in 2020 while consistently emailing everyone over the last few months. While social media has been one of my most important marketing tools in 2020, building my email list has been one I’ve been trying to learn more about.

By 2021, I would like to grow my email list to 100 subscribers. Hopefully, I can learn about creating a more extended sequence or attract more subscribers with more freebie content.

Small Business Goal Idea #3: Sign another retainer client

I’ve been slowly but surely growing my small business during 2020, whether digital marketing or referral. But my biggest goal is to have another retainer client on my income to have a consistent workload.

I’ve talked with a few possible clients throughout the past year in 2020, but no one has been able to commit to a 10 hour retainer. I’m hoping to make a more active role in searching out a client that would need my services on a more consistent basis. My main goal in this has been to further narrow down a niche for my services.

Currently, my retainer services are in 10 and 20-hour options. I try to offer various ways to pay and present them over a week, month, or bi-monthly.

Small Business Goal Idea #4: Further narrow my niche

For most of 2020, I wanted to reach as many people as possible with my business, but I see how it’s much easier for many business owners to impact when they further narrow down a niche.

I tried to narrow down my niche in 2020 but realized I didn’t fully reach the pinpoint. I knew I wanted to work with new business owners and had a few services I knew I could help, but I realized it wasn’t far enough at the end of the year.

This small business goal idea of mine has been in the works throughout the last few months. I narrowed down a list of industries I would like to work with but have yet to decide where I would like to take my small business in 2021.

Small Business Goal Idea #5: Invest more in my small business

Education is one of my core values with modern thumbprint, and I am passionate about continuing that value throughout 2021. 

I have a few ways to invest, such as digital marketing help and improving my processes with my clients. One of the easiest ways I see investing in my small business is to sign up for a course or two throughout the year to improve some of my weaker areas in my business.

There are a few programs that I would like to invest in as well, but I’d like to focus on courses and educating myself rather than things or products to improve my small business.

Small business goal ideas are a great way to improve and grow your small business in different ways. I tend to find definitive goals to be best to attach a number or an exact reaching point with my small business goals.

Need more help with reaching or defining a small business goal idea? Join my newsletter to see more tips on how to achieve your goals during 2021.


What should you include in your new small business plan? Plus: A free template!


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