blog, Business, Lifestyle Caitlin Shogren blog, Business, Lifestyle Caitlin Shogren

7 Tips on what to do for your small business during internet and power outages

With COVID-19, we became used to the idea of things changing at the drop of a hat, and the last week has been no exception. Except, now it has nothing to do with COVID. It’s the weather’s fault.

Thankfully, my home has not been affected by any power or internet outages yet. Still, many of my friends who run and own small businesses have been.

Here are some helpful tips to keep you working during a power or internet outage.

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Entrepreneurship, blog, Lifestyle Caitlin Shogren Entrepreneurship, blog, Lifestyle Caitlin Shogren

7 Ways on how to practice mental health at work for entrepreneurs

Work can be a main stress point in many people’s lives. According to the American Psychological Association stress actually accounts for about 64% of the most commonly mentioned stressors for Americans.

While some people work better with additional, professional healthcare professionals, there are a few easy and quick ways to focus on your mental health in the workplace as an entrepreneur.

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