7 Ways on how to practice mental health at work for entrepreneurs

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Mental Health can be a difficult topic to broach in the workplace. It shouldn’t have to be though.

Work can be a main stress point in many people’s lives. According to the American Psychological Association stress actually accounts for about 64% of the most commonly mentioned stressors for Americans.

Considering work is connected to health insurance, income, and, sometimes, immigration, work can be dependent on many factors in someone’s life. Work isn’t just to make a living anymore.

There are a few things that can help you manage your stress level at work. It’s not impossible to handle your stress in healthy ways while at the office, but you still might require more help depending on how chronic your stress is and other factors in your day-to-day life.

You might need a few tools, like a water bottle or an organizer, but you should be able to complete these tasks in a few minutes. There’s no need to stay hours after closing time to complete any of these tasks.

These tasks might help you manage your stress, but it might not help manage chronic stress. If you are feeling overwhelmed at work due to stress, consider going to a registered therapist or psychologist in your area or look at an online option.

While some people work better with additional, professional healthcare professionals, there are a few easy and quick ways to focus on your mental health in the workplace as an entrepreneur.

Mental Health Tip 1: Create a routine

You don’t have to create a routine to stick to for your whole day, but it is recommended to have a routine when you start your workday. You can start small, like by drinking a glass of water to start your day, until you feel comfortable with a steady routine to start your day at work.

Creating a routine not only helps you stay focused, but it also allows you to create a mindset for you to approach your day.

When I go into work or start a project, I know what I need at my desk to start in a productive manner. I know I need my MIRA 32 oz insulated thermos filled, a pen and note pad, and a to-do list in my line of sight before I get down to business. It’s not a lot and might take 5 minutes to set up but that routine set-up helps me focus and tackle most of the projects I need to complete before the day is done.

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Mental Health Tip 2: Organize your desk

I can be very hit or miss when it comes to organizing my workspace. I make a point of organizing my workspace at least once a week thought to keep on top of things and declutter my desk.

I’m a big fan of Marie Kondo’s work and am working my way through her co-authored book, Joy at Work. While I am not a fan of minimalism, I am a fan of being efficient and productive, whether in the workplace or otherwise. If you’re not ready to tackle your home, try tackling tidying up your workspace first.

You don’t have to make your desk spotless. I’d attempt to make spots for everything, including progressing and completed projects. Make space for every item that comes across your desk, either on your desk or in a drawer.

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Mental Health Tip 3: Listen to music

I typically have to have some background noise to work productively. Music tends to be my go-to noise of choice but conversations between my coworkers also tend to do the trick if they aren’t too distracting.

My Spotify playlist is catered to my exact likes and preferences throughout the day and allows me to stay on top of my favorite artists’ new releases. If you are having a hard time staying productive, you might find a classical playlist or video game theme music. Both genres are proven to keep you focused and productive throughout the day.

To stay courteous to your coworkers, try finding a reliable set of headphones (my favorites are these Philips headphones but feel free to invest in some cordless Apple AirPods) to leave at the office rather than have everyone listen to your music. Just like you need your mental health jams, so does everyone else.

Mental Health Tip 4: Socialize with positive people

A key to your mental health is socialization but you shouldn’t just focus on shallow interactions with your coworkers. Developing meaningful interactions with your coworkers and surround yourself in a positive environment in the process.

Try asking more about their family, similar hobbies, or current events that are light-hearted for the office. Even in isolation, having themed-zoom meetings is a great way to see personal interests and create a positive environment amongst your coworkers.

Try to develop personal relationships with all your coworkers. This might be harder for some, as some entrepreneurs like to keep a more professional work persona, but it is helpful to see how others think, what they enjoy, and how to approach others that inhabit your workspace on a regular basis.

Mental Health Tip 5: Take outdoor breaks

While I don’t always go outside, this mental health tip is great when taking breaks from your desk. You need to take a break about every hour when sitting at your desk. You might just need to stand for a few minutes, but stretching and doing some light exercises is a great way to utilize your break time.

Going outdoors for a few minutes gives you a new viewpoint and disconnect from your computer screen for a few minutes. You don’t have to go outside every hour of the day, but going during your lunch and longer breaks will help divide your day a bit and not make it feel as monotonous as it would if you were seated at your desk.

In the event of bad weather, you might see if you can be closer to the windows to get an outdoor view around the time of your breaks.

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Mental Health Tip 6: Stay home when you need to

If you have a full-time job, you should have access to sick and annual leave days. Don’t feel bad if you need to use one to maintain your mental health as well as your physical and emotional health.

I try to remain productive as much as possible during the workday, but sometimes I’m just not in the right headspace or something isn’t going right at home, and I’ll need to leave the office for a day. I don’t recommend doing this often. That being said, it’s just more efficient for everyone when you are able to come to work with the right attitude rather than being miserable and half-way doing a job.

If you’re staying home, for whatever reason, make sure you get some sleep, have a healthy meal, and continue to drink plenty of water. Just because you’re home, does not mean you shouldn’t take care of yourself.

Mental Health Tip 7: Drink more water

It’s amazing how much a glass of water can transform your day. You might start your day with a cup of coffee, but don’t forget to have plenty of water to keep you going throughout your day at work.

Studies suggest having either 8-10 glasses or half your body weight in ounces of water a day. If you aren’t anywhere close to that, see what you can swap out during your day at the office. Your caffeine kick at 3 p.m. might be better used with another glass of water to keep you hydrated rather than the extra caffeine.

Keep a water bottle, like this 32 oz. MIRA wattle bottle, close by during the day to lower your refill breaks. If you want a smaller bottle to keep yourself moving throughout the day, that’s fine. Find your own routine to keep yourself healthy.


Each of these mental health tips are made to help you manage your stress at work. Even if you are working remotely or an entrepreneur who’s still working on their next business plan at home, you should be able to apply these mental health tips to multiple work situations.

Even if you are only able to grab a water bottle or an organizer for your space, you should be able to feel more relaxed about your workspace.

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